The character "%" (out of a numerical context) is a meta-character that will be replaced (often by a numeric value) before the string is displayed Text between less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols is a variable's name and must not be localised \r, \t and \n are meta-characters.
Unknown error Unknown error Unimplemented Unimplemented Invalid parameter Invalid parameter Cannot initialize application Cannot initialize application Access denied {path} Access denied {path} Aborted by user Aborted by user Bad protocol version Bad protocol version Timeout expired Timeout expired Memory allocation failed Memory allocation failed Stack overflow Stack overflow String allocation failed String allocation failed Attempt to read beyond end of stream Attempt to read beyond end of stream No text converter to read the stream No text converter to read the stream Cannot convert text from stream using the source encoding Cannot convert text from stream using the source encoding Text conversion failed Text conversion failed Failed to initialize ICU library Failed to initialize ICU library Regex error {message} while parsing pattern "{pattern}" Regex error {message} while parsing pattern "{pattern}" regex pattern matching error. Error message is provided by ICU Failed to initialize intl manager. Please check regional settings. Failed to initialize intl manager. Please check regional settings. Language defined in the database is not recognized. JSON malformed in {source}line {line}, position {position}. JSON malformed in {source}line {line}, position {position}. {source} can be empty or a file path or url. JSON malformed. Found '{found}', was expecting: {expected}. JSON malformed. Found '{found}', was expecting: {expected}. JSON malformed. Unterminated {token}. JSON malformed. Unterminated {token}. JSON malformed. Extra comma before {token}. JSON malformed. Extra comma before {token}. JSON malformed. Was expecting: {expected}. JSON malformed. Was expecting: {expected}. File "{name}" not found ({path}) File "{name}" not found ({path}) Cannot rename file "{name}" to "{newname}" ({path}) Cannot rename file "{name}" to "{newname}" ({path}) Cannot open file "{name}" ({path}) Cannot open file "{name}" ({path}) Cannot close file "{name}" ({path}) Cannot close file "{name}" ({path}) Cannot delete "{name}" ({path}) Cannot delete "{name}" ({path}) Cannot copy file {path} to {destination}. Cannot copy file {path} to {destination}. Cannot move file {path} to {destination}. Cannot move file {path} to {destination}. Cannot create file {path}. Cannot create file {path}. Cannot get attributes on file {path}. Cannot get attributes on file {path}. Cannot set attributes on file {path}. Cannot set attributes on file {path}. Cannot create alias on file {path}. Cannot create alias on file {path}. Cannot resolve alias file {path}. Cannot resolve alias file {path}. Cannot reveal file {path}. Cannot reveal file {path}. Invalid file kind for file {path}. Invalid file kind for file {path}. "{newname}" is an invalid name for file {path}. "{newname}" is an invalid name for file {path}. File {path} already exists. File {path} already exists Cannot resolve alias file "{path}" to a file. Cannot resolve alias file "{path}" to a file. Cannot resolve alias file "{path}" to a folder. Cannot resolve alias file "{path}" to a folder. Cannot write file {path}. Cannot write file {path}. Folder "{name}" not found ({path}). Folder "{name}" not found ({path}). Folder {path} not empty. Folder {path} not empty. Cannot create folder {path}. Cannot create folder {path}. Cannot delete folder {path}. Cannot delete folder {path}. Cannot get attributes on folder {path}. Cannot get attributes on folder {path}. Cannot set attributes on folder {path}. Cannot set attributes on folder {path}. Cannot reveal folder {path}. Cannot reveal folder {path}. Cannot rename folder "{name}" to "{newname}" ({path}) Cannot rename folder "{name}" to "{newname}" ({path}) Disk full ({path}) Disk full ({path}) Folder {path} already exists. Folder {path} already exists. Can't copy {path} into child folder {destination}. Can't copy {path} into child folder {destination}. Can't move {path} into trash. Can't move {path} into trash. Path to file system is not correctly encoded. Path to file system is not correctly encoded. Operation is not authorized on this file system. Operation is not authorized on this file system. File or folder not found. File or folder not found. File system is not in valid state. File system is not in valid state. Attempting to write or modify a non-writable file system. Attempting to write or modify a non-writable file system. File system is full. File system is full. Could not open printer. Could not open printer. Could not read print settings. Could not read print settings. Could not restore print settings. Could not restore print settings. Print job already opened. Print job already opened. Print Job not started. Print Job not started. Print page already opened. Print page already opened. Print page not opened. Print page not opened. Output document path is empty. Output document path is empty. XPS Viewer is not installed. XPS Viewer is not installed. XPS Printer is not installed. XPS Printer is not installed. Invalid name '{name}' for a file system. Invalid name '{name}' for a file system. Can't load file system definition file {path}. Can't load file system definition file {path}. JSON cannot stringify cyclic structures. JSON cannot stringify cyclic structures. JSON Path is missing a ']'. JSON Path is missing a ']'. JSON Path contains an empty subpath. JSON Path contains an empty subpath. Subproperty "{p1}" already exists and is not an array. Subproperty "{p1}" already exists and is not an array. Subproperty "{p1}" already exists and is not an object. Subproperty "{p1}" already exists and is not an object. JSON pointer "{p1}" references a nonexistent value. JSON pointer "{p1}" references a nonexistent value. JSON pointer "{p1}" is malformed. JSON pointer "{p1}" is malformed. JSON pointer "{p1}" refers to itself. JSON pointer "{p1}" refers to itself. JSON pointer "{p1}" uses an unsupported syntax. JSON pointer "{p1}" uses an unsupported syntax. JSON pointer "{p1}" refers a scalar part. JSON pointer "{p1}" refers a scalar part. Can't JSON stringify native object. Can't JSON stringify native object. JSON pointer "{p1}" refers malformed JSON document "{p2}". JSON pointer "{p1}" refers malformed JSON document "{p2}". JSON pointer "{p1}" refers nonexistent JSON document "{p2}". JSON pointer "{p1}" refers nonexistent JSON document "{p2}". Failed to load library {path}. {reason} Failed to load library {path}. {reason} {systemID}, line:{line}, column:{column} {systemID}, line:{line}, column:{column} Location of error during xerces parsing. XML parsing error in {systemID}({line}:{column}): {message} XML parsing error in {systemID}({line}:{column}): {message} xerces parsing error. XML parsing error in {systemID}({line}:{column}): {message} XML parsing error in {systemID}({line}:{column}): {message} xerces parsing fatal error. Error while interpreting XPath expression: {p1} Error while interpreting XPath expressions: {p1} The file is already open, or the folder is not empty The file is already open, or the folder is not empty The source and destination files are the same file. The source and destination files are the same file. Multiple file paths were specified in the source buffer, but only one destination file path. Multiple file paths were specified in the source buffer, but only one destination file path. Rename operation was specified but the destination path is a different directory. Use the move operation instead. Rename operation was specified but the destination path is a different directory. Use the move operation instead. The source is a root directory, which cannot be moved or renamed. The source is a root directory, which cannot be moved or renamed. The operation was canceled by the user, or silently canceled if the appropriate flags were supplied to SHFileOperation. The operation was canceled by the user, or silently canceled if the appropriate flags were supplied to SHFileOperation. The destination is a subtree of the source. The destination is a subtree of the source. Security settings denied access to the source. Security settings denied access to the source. The source or destination path exceeded or would exceed MAX_PATH. The source or destination path exceeded or would exceed MAX_PATH. The operation involved multiple destination paths, which can fail in the case of a move operation. The operation involved multiple destination paths, which can fail in the case of a move operation. The path in the source or destination or both was invalid. The path in the source or destination or both was invalid. The source and destination have the same parent folder. The source and destination have the same parent folder. The destination path is an existing file. The destination path is an existing file. The destination path is an existing folder. The destination path is an existing folder. The name of the file exceeds MAX_PATH. The name of the file exceeds MAX_PATH. The destination is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. The destination is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. The destination is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted. The destination is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted. The destination is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. The destination is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. The file involved in the operation is too large for the destination media or file system. The file involved in the operation is too large for the destination media or file system. The source is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. The source is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. The source is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted. The source is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted. The source is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. The source is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted. MAX_PATH was exceeded during the operation. MAX_PATH was exceeded during the operation. An unknown error occurred. This is typically due to an invalid path in the source or destination. This error does not occur on Windows Vista and later. An unknown error occurred. This is typically due to an invalid path in the source or destination. This error does not occur on Windows Vista and later. An unspecified error occurred on the destination. An unspecified error occurred on the destination. Destination is a root directory and cannot be renamed. Destination is a root directory and cannot be renamed. Can't open service manager. OpenSCManagerW Failed Can't open service manager. OpenSCManagerW Failed Can't open service. OpenServiceW Failed Can't open service. OpenServiceW Failed Can't Start service. StartServiceW Failed Can't Start service. StartServiceW Failed Can't Stop service. ControlService Failed Can't Stop service. ControlService Failed Can't create service. CreateServiceW Failed Can't create service. CreateServiceW Failed Password-hash: Unsuported algorithm. Password-hash: Unsuported algorithm. Password-hash: Consistency check failure. Password-hash: Consistency check failure. Password-hash: Unavailable bcrypt cost parameter, please provide a value between 4 and 31. Password-hash: Unavailable bcrypt cost parameter, please provide a value between 4 and 31. Tried to decode some base64 string that appeared not to be valid base64. Invalid Base64 sequence. Invalid Base64 sequence.